home remedies for mouth sores

Effective home remedies for mouth sores
 Coconut oil is also a natural anti-inflammatory and may help reduce redness and pain. It may cure canker sores caused by bacteria.
 How to use..
 Apply coconut oil to the sore. Reapply several times per day until your canker sore is gone.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water .although a painful one, for mouth sores of any kind. It may help dry out canker sores.
How to use..

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1/2 cup of warm water.
Swirl this solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.
Repeat every few hours as needed.

Ice is the best and most effective home remedy to numb the pain of mouth ulcers. 
How to use..
It is helpful when you apply ice on the affected area. It removes  burning  and sensation

Coconut oil is best for cankers.it heels mouth sores.
Apply coconut oil to the sore. Reapply several times 
per day until your canker sore is gone.

If you have a canker sore that doesn't respond to home remedies or  treatment or lasts for more than two weeks, it may be time to seek  help.

The boiled extract of coriander leaves in water is an ideal cure for mouth infections. Wash a handful of coriander leaves . Chop and crush . Now put the leaves in a litre of water and boil. 
How to use..
When the water is reduced to one fourth , remove from the flame and after it cools, strain out the leaves and gargle three or four time a day

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and anticancer properties, they can cure the mouth ulcers and eliminate the infections .
How to use..
 Consume the juice of tomato at least two times a day or you can also try it by gargling the juice.

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibiotic properties, which works well to treat the infectious problems.
How to use..
 Take the gel from an aloe vera and apply on effected area , do the same for two to three times a day.

A damp tea bag to the canker sore . Tea has alkaline. It also contains astringent compounds, which may help relieve the pain.
How to use..
Place a wet tea bag on the sore and hold it there for a few minutes several times a day. This remedy will help with the pain and quickly heal the sore, 

 Take the coriander leaves or dry coriander and mash them. A component of essential oils in coriander, is an excellent antiseptic.Boil the water with the coriander leaves. 
How to use..
Strain the leaves and let the water cool down until it becomes lukewarm. Use the water to rinse your mouth 3 times a day.you can chew fresh coriander

 Lemon balm is used to treat cold sores.

To make cream of lemon balm, you will need:
 fresh or dried lemon balm leaves.
 any  wax.
How to use..
 Apply lemon balm three times per day  it will heal your mouth sores.

Baking soda  reduces inflammation, which may heal canker sores.

How to use..

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water.
Swirl this solution in your mouth , then spit it out.
Repeat every few hours as needed.

Drink a lot of water. If you have a canker sore that doesn't respond to home remedies or  treatment or lasts for more than two weeks, it may be time to seek  help. Call your dentist OR doctor.

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