Health benefits of onion, garlic and chilli

Healthy kitchen vegetables or spices

Onion reduce cholesterol of our body.Take 
some raw onion daily.

Onions can vary in size, shape, color, and flavor. The most common types are red, yellow, and white onions. Flavors can be sweet and juicy to sharp, spicy, and pungent, often depending on the season in which they are grown and consumed.
Never mind the tears they bring on–onions are an ace ally in your fight against disease. A prized member of the lily family, onions lavish you with health benefits while adding oodles of taste to your food. Not to mention you can buy a bundle from the grocery store for mere pennies.

The phytochemicals in onions along with their vitamin C help improve immunity.
Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar.
For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections.
Do you enjoy sliced onions with your food? If yes, rejoice! Raw onion lowers the production of bad cholesterol (LDL), thus keeping your heart healthy.
A powerful compound called quercetin in onions is known to play a significant role in preventing cancer.
Got stung by a honeybee? Apply onion juice on the area for immediate relief from the pain and burning sensation.
Onions scavenge free radicals, thereby reducing your risk of developing gastric ulcers.
Those bright green tops of green onions are rich in Vitamin A, so do use them often.

Garlic is antibiotic and antibiotic fight against infection.

Garlic has been used all over the world for thousands of years. It grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste.
Garlic is used for many conditions related to the heart and blood system. These conditions include high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, inherited high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, heart attack, reduced blood flow due to narrowed arteries, and "hardening of the arteries"

Garlic is also used today by some people for the prevention of lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer, and colon cancer.
Garlic is low in calories and very rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients.

Green chilies
Green chilies are great source of vitamin C. 
chili peppers taste hot, you can eat it raw,

fried or in a roasted form along with salads and as a side dish in your main meals.

Raw, fried, roasted in your foods or added to curries, this little spice is not only delicious but also rich in so many vitamins. It comes with a pack of health benefits that it almost seems unbelievable.
Zero Calories, But Packed With Vitamins. 

Green chilies Protection against cancer: Green chilies are loaded with antioxidants, that protect the body against free radicals by acting as natural scavengers. Green chilies can also keep prostate problems at bay.

Green chillies is a rich source of vitamin C and eating it helps in keeping your skin healthy and glowing. Green chili helps in burning the excess fats of the body, it helps in weight loss and thus increases the metabolism of your body. People suffering from diabetes must include green chilies in their diet because it can take care of the increased sugar level and can further help in creating a balance in the body.

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