coffee drinking is safe?


Three cups of coffee a day 'may have health benefits'

 coffee drinking is safe????

Three cups of coffee a day 'may have health benefits'

At present, the researchers said pinning down exactly how coffee might have a positive impact on health was "difficult" but it could be down to the effects of anti-oxidants and anti-fibrotics, which prevent or slow damage to cells in the body.

"Coffee is known to cause headaches in some people and it also increases the urge to go to the toilet - some people chose not to drink coffee for these reasons.
"Patients with abnormal heart rhythms are often advised to drink de-caffeinated coffee. Caffeine also acutely increases blood pressure, albeit transiently. "

How much caffeine in my drink?
one mug of filter coffee: 140mg
one mug of instant coffee: 100mg
one mug of tea: 75mg
one can of cola: 40mg
one 250ml can of energy drink: up to 80mg
bar of plain chocolate: less than 25mg
bar of milk chocolate: less than 10mg
The researchers say coffee drinkers should stick to "healthy coffees" - which avoid extra sugar, milk or cream, or a fatty snack on the side.

And they are calling for rigorous clinical trials on coffee intake to find out more about the potential benefits to health.
coffee drinking is safe
Moderate coffee drinking is safe, and three to four cups a day may have some health benefits, according to a large review of studies, in the BMJ.

It found a lower risk of liver disease and some cancers in coffee drinkers, and a lower risk of dying from stroke - but researchers could not prove coffee was the cause.
Too much coffee during pregnancy could be harmful, the review confirmed.
Experts said people should not start drinking coffee for health reasons.
The University of Southampton researchers collected data on the impact of coffee on all aspects of the human body, taking into account more than 200 studies - most of which were observational.
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Compared with non-coffee drinkers, those who drank about three cups of coffee a day appeared to reduce their risk of getting heart problems or dying from them.
The strongest benefits of coffee consumption were seen in reduced risks of liver disease, including cancer.

This is  recommended that pregnant women have no more than 200mg of caffeine a day - two mugs of instant coffee - because too much can increase the risk of miscarriage.

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