Benefits of ajwain or carom seeds


Amazing benefits of Ajwain or carom

The benefits of ajwain seeds are many and you should know them. being an excellent digestive and having rich aroma, ajwain seeds are commonly added in masalas, sprinkled in dough before making rotis or in bread before baking. It is also added in fruits. The active enzymes in ajwain help in boosting our digestive functions by facilitating the release of gastric juices.

"Ajwain seeds are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They can even be chewed raw, added to water or tea to extract maximum benefits from them. Ajwain helps in avoiding nasal blockage by discharging the mucus easily. 

This also helps in dealing with respiratory ailments like asthma and bronchitis. To provide relief from a migraine headache, take ajwain powder in a thin cloth and inhale it frequently or keep it under your pillow.

To ease a dreaded ear pain, two drops of ajwain oil are enough. For instant relief from tooth-ache, gargle with a mix of lukewarm water, 1 teaspoon of ajwain and salt. Simply inhaling the fumes of burning ajwain seeds can do wonders for an aching tooth. Besides this, it acts as a great mouth wash and maintains good oral hygiene.

Ajwain powder is especially useful in lightening acne scars. Apply a paste on the affected area for 10-15 minutes and then rinse. 

Ajwain seeds possess two qualities that help them fight arthritis. They have antibiotic properties that reduce redness and combat inflammation. 

Carom seeds are the best remedy to cure digestion related problems . Hence, it can also help you to get rid of constipation. Ajwain seeds are very essential to cure kidney stones. They can also be useful to treat and reduce the pain due to kidney disorders.  

Drink ajwain water for curing intestinal pain caused because of indigestion and infection. This herb is also very beneficial for curing liver and kidney malfunctions. 

Women with this problem can drink ajwain water. Soak handful of carom seeds in earthen vessel filled with water at night. Grind them and drink it in the morning. 

Ajwain or Carom seed is a natural remedy to cure dysentery or diarrhea. Boil a handful of carom seeds in one glass of water. Cool and strain this to consume twice a day. This is an orthodox remedy to cure indigestion and dysentery. 

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