Benefits of Persimmon or japani phal


             Benefits of Persimmon or japani phal 

                 Persimmon or japani phal
Persimmon is known by many names including, Sharon fruit, Japani Phal.  Persimmon fruit is also know as ” Japani Phal ” in Urdu. A medium sized fruit weighs around 168 grams. Pakistani japani phal is slightly different from the  Europeon japani phal in taste. Pakistani japani phal leaves you with a dry tangy after-taste.This fruit can be really beneficial according to recent medical studies. Eating persimmons has many health benefits.It,s look like tomatoes.

 Japani phal has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-infective agent. This is an antioxidant fruit. it has been used in controlling excessive bleeding from wounds. Japani phal is rich in Fibers, as you know, that fibers  are essential for good bowel movements. Regular use of this fiber-rich fruit can help alleviate bowel movement related issues. This fruit is also known to regulate the level of sugar in blood.Those who  suffer from diabetes, this fruit can be relished by diabetics to curb the hunger levels.

Being a rich source of antioxidants,it can damage cells and trigger cancer. The presence of vitamin A, it has the potential to improve vision.Persimmons have a high iodine content and regular consumption helps improve the thyroid gland’s functioning.

 It has been recommended that if you use the fresh skin on your face as a skin toner as it brightens the complexion. It seems that daily applications may also smooth wrinkles, or stop them appearing.

(1)We can make ice cream or smoothies with them. Persimmon(japani phal), apple, bananas, grapes,grind green cardamom,grind cinnamon,Chopped pistachios and yoghurt. Put all these  fruits, spices and yoghurt  into blender. You can add ice cream in it.  A tasty juice will be ready to drink.
(2)We can eat these all fruits, spices and yoghurt like a fruit chat. Cut fruits in pieces, put them into bowl, sprinkle spices(cardamom and cinnamon)  on fruit. At last pour blend yoghurt on it.Ready to serve. Eat and enjoy. 

Eating persimmon fruit with an empty stomach can cause diarrhea. Also eating in excess also cause diarrhea due to its high tannin content. So be safe and eat persimmon in limited quantity.People who have had surgery for stomach ulcers shouldn’t eat the skins of the fruit.  

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